If there's something important you need to know about Paris in August is that it's the most crowded and the most expensive period. Go there armed with patience and be prepared to wait in line for about 50 minutes at any attraction.
Secondly, if you are under 26 and a European Union citizen, you benefit from free entry or discounts at any landmark.
Sunt cateva lucruri importante pe care trebuie sa le aveti in minte atunci cand va planificati o excursie in Paris in august: este cea mai aglomerata si cea mai scumpa perioada. Mergeti inarmati cu multa rabdare si fiti pregatiti sa asteptati la coada aproximativ 50 de minute la fiecare atractie turistica.
In al doilea rand, daca aveti sub 26 de ani si sunteti cetateni ai Uniunii Europene, aveti intrare gratuita sau reduceri la orice obiectiv.
DAY 1 - ZIUA 1
We started our day is this beautiful city with a visit at the Louvre museum. The tickets line was about 10 minutes long, but we had to wait for about 40 minutes for the security check. Before you plan your vizit, know that the museum is open daily except on Tuesdays from 9:00 to 18:00. On Wednesdays and Fridays it's open until 21:45. If you are under 26 and a EU citizen, you enter for free. There are 4 levels of museum and expositions (-1, 0, 1 and 2) and you will find here paintings, sculptures and objects both from our era and antiquities.
Spend some time before or after your visit to enjoy a walk in the inner courtyard. The pyramid is the main spot for taking pictures at Louvre.
Ne-am inceput ziua in acest oras frumos cu o vizita la muzeul Louvre. Coada la bilete a durat cam 10 minute, dar a trebuit sa asteptam pentru controlul de securitate in jur de 40 de minute. Inainte de a va planifica vizita la muzeu, tineti minte ca muzeul este deschis in fiecare zi, mai putin martea, intre 9:00 si 18:00. Miercurea si vinerea, muzeul e deschis pana la 21:45. Daca aveti sub 26 de ani si sunteti cetatean UE, intrati gratis. Muzeul si expozitiile sunt asezate pe 4 etaje (-1, 0, 1 si 2) si veti gasi picturi, sculpturi si obiecte atat din era noastra, cat si din antichitate.
Pastrati-va putin timp pentru o plimbare in curtea interioara. Piramida este unul din locurile unde toata lumea isi face poze la Louvre.
When the museum gets excessively crowded, know that you are close to two popular atractions at Louvre: the sculpture Winged Victory of Samothrace created in the 2nd century BC and Da Vinci's Gioconda or Mona Lisa. You can't possibly imagine how many people are almost running from all directions to see the famous painting Mona Lisa. You can't get very close to the painting because it is highly secured, but also because there's a big line to get in the front row to have a closer look and take some pictures.
Cand muzeul devine excesiv de aglomerat inseamna ca va aflati in apropierea a doua atractii populare din Louvre: sculptura Victoria din Samothrace creata in secolul 2 IC si Gioconda sau Mona Lisa a lui Da Vinci. Nu veti putea ajunge prea aproapte de pictura faimoasa deoarece este foarte securizata, dar si pentru ca este o coada imensa pentru a ajunge in primul rand sa o vedeti mai de aproape sau sa faceti niste poze.
Winged Victory of Samothrace |
Gioconda (Mona Lisa) - Leonardo da Vinci |
Daca aveti picioare bune, va sugerez sa mergeti la urmatoarele obiective pe jos in schimbul metroului, pentru ca astfel veti pierde toate frumusetile din jur. Orasul poate fi vizitat si cu autobuze ce fac turul Parisului. Urmatoarea noastra destinatie a fost bulevardul Champs-Elysees si Arcul de Triumf de la finalul acestuia. Daca mergeti prin gradinile Tuileries in linie dreapta aproximativ 2 km ajungeti direct pe Champs-Elysees. Aici puteti face cumparaturi sau doar sa admirati vitrinele unor magazine renumite, va puteti opri la una din multele terase sau puteti pur si simplu sa va bucurati de atmosfera franceza pe cea mai populara strada din Franta.
At the end of this long boulevard you will find the Triumphal Arch, another spot for taking great pictures. You can go up and they say it has the second best view of the city after the Eiffel tower. They say that it is even more beautiful at night.
La sfarsitul acestui bulevard lung veti gasi Arcul de Triumf, alt loc pentru poze. Puteti ajunge si in varful acestuia, unde se spune ca veti gasi al doilea cel mai bun view al orasului dupa turnul Eiffel. Se spune ca noaptea este si mai frumos.
Then we went back on the Champ-Elysees and deviated from the road to the right to find the Petit Palais and the Grand Palais, whcih are both art museums. We only saw them from outside, but the Petit Palais is free for everyone to enter.
Apoi am mers inapoi pe Champ-Elysees si am luat-o la dreapta spre le Petit Palais si le Grand Palais, amandoua muzee de arta. Le-am vazut doar de afara, dar le Petit Palais poate fi vizitat gratuit de toata lumea.
We continued our way to Bridge Alma (Pont de l'Alma), from where we started our cruise on the Seine. The one hour cruise is another option of seeing all the important spots from the outside. I will post some pictures with some of them below.
Ne-am continuat drumul spre podul Alma (Pont de l'Alma), de unde am inceput croaziera pe Sena. Dureaza o ora si este o alegere buna pentru a vedea cele mai importante atractii din exterior. O sa va las cateva poze mai jos.
Bridge Alexandre the third (Pont Alexandre-III) |
Musee d'Orsay |
Notre-Dame Cathedral |
Eiffel Tower |
Apoi am mers sa vede turnul Eiffel de aproape prin parcul Champ de Mars, unul din cele mai populare locuri de facut poze cu turnul.
If you decide to go to the top, there are some things you should know. You firstly have to wait in a line and buy tickes to get at the second floor and then you have to to this again to get to the top. You can get at the second floor both with an elevator or by climbing about 650 stairs. The line for the stairs was smaller and the ticket was cheaper, but we still had to wait for about 40 minutes. At the second level, we waited for another 40 minutes in line for the elevator to the top. Ignoring the big lines, the view was mesmerizing and it was totally worth it. We caght a gorgeous sunset at the top and I think that the afternoon is the perfect time of the day you can go up in the Eiffel tower.
Daca decideti sa urcati, trebuie sa stiti cateva lucruri. Prima data asteptati la o coada pentru a lua bilete pentru etajul al doilea, iar acolo trebuie sa asteptati din nou la coada pentru a lua bilete spre varf. Puteti ajunge la etajul 2 si urcand cele aproximativ 650 de scari. Coada la scari era mai mica si biletul a fost mai ieftin, dar tot a trebui sa asteptam cam 40 de minute pentru liftul spre varf. Ignorand cozile mari, privelistea a fost fermecatoare si a meritat in totalitate. Am prins un apus superb in varf si cred ca dupamasa e momentul perfect al zilei in care sa urcati in turn.
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View from the different levels of the Eiffel tower |
After coming down from the Eiffel tower, we had dinner on one of the terraces of the Port de Suffren. Sunset near the Seine is magnetizing.
Dupa ce am coborat din turn, am luat cina la una dintre terasele din Portul Suffren. Apusul langa Sena este magnetizant.
Probably anyone will agree that Trocadero is the best place for taking pictures with the Eiffel tower. People come here in the evening to watch the tower sparkling for exactly 5 minutes, from 22:00 to 22:05. Also, the atmosphere at Trocadero is definitely genuine. There are people playing instruments and couples dancing on their music. Simply magical.
Probabil ca oricine va fi de acord ca Trocadero este cel mai bun loc pentru a face poze cu turnul Eiffel. Oamenii vin aici seara pentru a vedea turnul sclipind pentru exact 5 minute, intre 22:00 si 22:05. De asemenea, atmosfera la Trocadero este cu siguranta autentica. Sunt oameni care canta la instrumente si cupluri care danseaza pe muzica lor. Pur si simplu magic.
DAY 2 - ZIUA 2
We started our day with the Basilica of the Sacred Heart (Sacre Coeur), located on the hill Montmartre. From here, you have a panoramic view of the city on sunny days. Unfortunately, it was raining when we got there so we didn't see much of the city. The basilica is open every day and you don't have to pay to enter it. However, you will have to pay 5 euro if you decide to go up in its tower.
After visiting it, stop in Place du Tertre, a square full of life where you can have a drink at a terrace or get painted by one of the many street artists.
Ne-am inceput ziua cu Bazilica Sacre Coeur. situata pe colina Montmartre. De aici, aveti o vedere panoramica a orasului in zilele insorite. Din pacate, ploua cand am ajuns noi, deci nu am vazut prea bine orasul. Bazilica e deschisa in fiecare zi si nu trebuie sa platiti pentru a intre, Totusi, va trebui sa platiti 5 euro daca veti dori sa urcati in turnul ei.
Dupa ce o vizitati, opriti-va in Place du Tertre, o piata plina de viata unde va puteti opri pentru o bautura sau puteti fi pictati de unul din artistii de pe strada.
On the way down back to the city, you will find the famous Moulin Rouge. Take some time to admire the beautiful neighbourhood of Montmartre, authentically French. You will find here a lot of beautifully coloured buildings, plenty of alluring confectioneries, fish shops, cheese shops and almost any kind of shop you can imagine.
Pe drumul inapoi spre oras, veti gasi faimosul Moulin Rouge. Admirati frumusetea cartierului Montmartre, autentic francez. Aici veti gasi cladiri frumos colorate, cofetarii ademenitoare, magaizine pescaresti, magazine cu bramzeturi si aproape orice alt tip de magazin la care va puteti gandi.
At the hill base is the Moulin Rouge, a cabaret dating from 1889. There are three shows every night and prices start from 77 euro.
La baza colinei sta Moulin Rouge, un cabaret ce dateaza din anul 1889. Sunt spectacole in fiecare seara si preturile incep de la 77 euro.
Then we went to the Notre-Dame Cathedral, situated on Île de la Cité and where you can get by metro or crossing the bridges to the island. This cathedral is fascinatingly tall and remarkable from any other Gothic cathedrals I've seen. The very dark interiour creates a solemn atmosphere.There is only a little light that gets in through the coloured stained glass. Everything is breathtaking. This cathedral is undoubtely one of the symbols of the city.
Apoi am mers la Catedrala Notre-Dame, situata pe Île de la Cité, unde puteti ajunge cu metroul sau traversant unul din podurile ce duc spre insula. Aceasta catedrala este fascinant de inalta si se remarca de orice alta catedrala gotica pe care am mai vazut-o. Interiorul foarte intunecat creeaza o atmosfera solemna. Putina lumina intra doar prin vitraliile colorate. Totul aici iti taie respiratia. Aceasta catedrala este fara doar si poate unul dintre simbolurile orasului.
Wooden representation of Notre-Dame from Paris which is found inside the cathedral |
Would I go back? Yes, anytime! Was all the agglomeration worth it? For sure, I wouldn't change a thing!
Seara am mers inapoi la turnul Eiffel pentru a-l admira pentru ultima data. Daca as merge inapoi? Da, oricand! A meritat toata aglomeratia? Cu siguranta, nu as schimba nimic!
If you'd like to see the manicure I wore in my trip to Paris, click here. I posted more about it on my other blog - Konad Addict.
Daca doriti sa vedeti manichiura mea din timpul excursiei la Paris, dati click aici. Am postat mai multe despre ea pe celalalt blog al meu - Konad Addict.
Wonderful pictures! <3
ReplyDeleteEllone | Looktheotherway.co | Minimal Lifestyle & Fashion
Your pictures of Paris are amazing, especially the one from beneath the Louvre pyramid. So much to see and do in Paris, I'm sure it was a delight. Great post!
ReplyDeleteThanks, it definitely was! I'd go back right now.
DeleteYou got some wonderful and colourful photos there, I love the fact that you visited Louvre Museum, and of course Tour Eiffel I have never had the chance to go on its top cause everytime we go there the queue is forcely long. but the view is worth it wish I could see it too one day :) thanks for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteEven though you have to wait for a while, the queue is definitely worth it.
DeleteYou took such incredible photos! I absolutely love it! Wish I could head over to Paris right now as Im almost out of time in August!! Any month would be fine with me... i just need to get there...
ReplyDeleteAugust is so crowded, I think that any month will work and maybe the queues will be shorter :)
DeleteI LOVED PARIS!! But we went in October so didn't run into any crowds anywhere! I wish we had made it to the top of the Eiffel Tower though!
ReplyDeleteI think that Paris in autumn is just as beautiful and magical :)
DeleteI had absolutely NO IDEA that under 26 EU citizens get free entry! That's so awesome! I need to tell more of my friends!
ReplyDeleteI was happy to see that I did most the things on your list when I was in Paris - and also a tip for the Eiffel Tower. You can buy some good tours on Viator which means no standing in line to go up and also include a meal. It was totally worth it just to not stand in the lines!
Didn't know about it, thanks for the tip!
DeleteWow thats quite some time to wait in line but the view looks insane. Also the eiffel tower looks so pretty at night, would love to see that!
ReplyDeleteIt's definitely worth it. Everything looks mesmerising :)
DeleteLoved the blog and the pics are absolutely fabulous! Tell me, wasn't it amazing to see Mona Lisa in person? It's enigmatic and mysterious at the same time!
ReplyDeleteIt is, but there are so many people there that you can't get enough of it, you can't truly enjoy it.
DeleteI love visiting Paris and your post brought back some great memories. Your photos are great especially the ones from the various levels of the Eiffel Tower. Thanks for sharing your trip.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I have some great memories to and just watching the pictures make me relive them all over again.
DeleteMy brother is huge fan of visiting Paris, he's been multiple times and never gets bored of it, just like you've highlighted in this post there is just so much to see and do and no visit is ever the same. I have some Parisian friends and they say the same :D
ReplyDeleteI think I could visit it every year and still not get bored of it.
DeleteAh! Can't wait to visit Paris. Your pictures get me ever more excited to go next year. I like how you gave a daily guide to follow. I'm sure one of the first things I want to see is the Eiffel Tower haha!
ReplyDeleteI know, I wanted to see it too, but you see it from very many far places. I was excited about seeing it closely too, but waited until the evening when it's even more beautiful than any other time of the day.
DeleteStunning photos! Looks like you still managed to hit most of the main attractions despite the hoards of people. Great tips on where to get a great shot of the Eiffel Tower.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I'm glad it was helpful!
DeleteGreat photos! We did most of what you did on our 3 days in Paris. You were actually able to get a pretty good picture of the Mona Lisa, the crowds there were really thick. And it's smaller that you think it will be! We never did go to the top of the Eiffel Tower due to the line ups, but we did enjoy the sparkling light show.
ReplyDeleteI thought it would be bigger, too :)
DeleteThe post is very informative and the pictures are simply breathtaking! Some of them transport you back to the fascinating historical era. The panoramic views of the city are stunning! Loved the sparkling Eiffel Tower video. Notre-Dame Cathedral is so majestic. Thanks for sharing this lovely experience! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks. All in all, everything about Paris is mesmerizing :)
DeleteI really LOVE Paris, such a beautiful city packed with so much to see and do, and the shopping is fabulous too. Thanks for posting such great information and beautiful photo.The views from the Eiffel Tower are incredible.
ReplyDeleteParis is Paris ! No matter what time you travel around the Year ! Its holds its beauty for every tourist ! Love your pictures ! Perfect Image of your tour