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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Visiting Versailles Palace & Gardens

How to get there - Cum sa ajungi acolo
There is more than one means of transport for getting there and you will find all about them here on their website. It's important to check  there because they have all the information updated and they will write if a certain line is closed at the moment of your visit.
What we didn't know was that you need a special transport ticket just for Versailles. We bought plenty of t+ tickets to have during our stay in Paris which are valid for metro, RER trains, tramways, buses and Montmartre cable car. We thought that would be good for Versailles, too, and so thought all the people waiting in the huge line in front of the station where we were going to get the train. So it would be a better idea to get your special ticket for Versailles from any other metro station in Paris to avoid waiting in this line.

Sunt mai multe mijloace de transport pentru a ajunge la Versailles si puteti afla totul despre rutele disponibile aici pe site-ul lor. E important sa verificati acolo deoarece au toate informatiile actualizate si vor scrie daca o anumita linie nu functioneaza in momentul vizitei voastre. 
Ceea ce nu am stiut noi este ca ai nevoie de un bilet de transport special doar pentru Versailles. Noi am cumparat mai multe bilete t+ sa le avem in timpul vizitei noastre la Paris care sunt valabile pentru metro, trenurile RER, tramvaie, autobuze si telecabina spre Montmartre. Credeam ca vor fi bune si pentru Versailles si la fel au crezut si toti ceilalti oameni care asteptau la coada imensa din fata statiei de unde urma sa luam trenul. Cea mai buna idee ar fi sa luati biletele speciale pentru Versailles de la orice alta statie de metro din Paris pentru a evita aceasta coada.

If you are under 26 and a European Union resident you have free entry for the palace and the gardens. If you visit the palace on a day when there are Musical Fountain shows, you will have to buy just the ticket for the gardens.

Daca aveti sub 26 de ani si sunteti rezidenti ai Uniunii Europene, aveti intrarea gratuita. Daca vizitati palatul intr-o zi cand este spectacol cu fantani muzicale, va trebui sa platiti biletul pentru gradini.

Next challenge - Urmatoarea provocare
Be prepared to wait in line a lot before entering the palace. We bought our tickets online and had them printed to avoid a line, but ended up waiting for about 1 hour and 45 minutes for the security check. 

Fiti pregatiti sa asteptati mult la coada inainte de a intra in palat. Noi ne-am luat biletele online si le-am avut listate pentru a evita coada de la bilete, dar tot a trebuit sa asteptam in jur de o ora si 45 de minute pentru controlul de securitate.

Keep in mind that the palace is open every day except on Mondays, from 9:00 to 18:30. The gardens are open until 19:00.

Tineti minte ca palatul e deschis in fiecare zi, mai putin lunea, de la 9:00 la 18:30. Gradinile sunt deschise pana la 19:00.

The Versailles palace is a royal castle that was the residence of some important kings of france: Louis the XIVth, Louis the XVth and Louil the XVIth. At the begining it was just a mansion that Louis the  XIIIth used for hunting, but it was extended by his son. In the palace you will be able to see different objects of art, weapons and amazing upholstery while admiring the architecture and the beautiful walls and ceiling that are different in all rooms.

Palatul Versailles este un castel roial si a fost resedinta unor regi importanti ai frantei: Ludovic al XIV-lea, Ludovic al XV-lea și Ludovic al XVI-lea. La inceput era doar o vila unde Ludovic al XIII-lea statea cand mergea la vanatoare, dar a fost extinsa de fiul sau. In palat puteti vedea diferite obiecte de arta, arme si tapiterii incantatoare in timp ce admirati arhitectura si frumosii pereti si tavane care sunt diferiti in fiecare camera. 

There are 77 hectares of nicely maintained gardens in a park measuring not less than 850 hectares. They plant 300 000 fowers each year and use 4500 m3of  water/hour for the fountains. So the fountains are only funtional on days with musical shows, as follows: on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 April to 29 October, as well as on some additional dates (14 April, 25 May, 14 July, 15 August).

Sunt 7 de hectare de gradini frumos intretinute intr-un parc ce masoara nu mai putin de 850 de hectare. Se planteaza in fiecare an 300 000 de flori si se folosesc 4500 mde apa/ora pentru fantani. Prin urmare, fantanile sunt functionale doar in zilele cu spectacole muzicale, dupa cum urmeaza: Sambata si Duminica din 1 Aprilie pana in 29 Octombrie, dar si in niste date speciale (14 Aprilie, 25 Mai, 14 Iulie, 15 August).

There's a schedule and during the day there will be shows on all fountains. You will receive a map and a timetable when you enter the gardens. The water displays are amazing - they were my favourite part of Versailles! Seeing water dancing in the rithm of instrumental music is relaxing and enchanting. Try to plan your visit to Versailles in one of the days with musical shows, you will not regret it.

Exista un orar si in timpul zilei vor fi spectacole la toate fantanile. Veti primi o harta si un orar la intrarea in gradini. Jocurile apei sunt incantatoare - au fost partea mea favorita la Versailles! Sa vezi apa dansand in ritmul muzicii instrumentale este relaxant si feeric. Incercati sa va planificati vizita la Versailles intr-una din zilele cu spectacole muzicale, nu veti regreta.


  1. WOW. So beautiful. Just another place added to my long wanderlust list! Lovely post :)

  2. Wow this place looks grand and beautiful. A must-go-to at least once in a lifetime.

  3. I love to travel and I have a travel blog too. Loved your post, photos are amazing.

  4. Travelling is one of my hobbies and I wish I could visit some of these amazing destinations. Love the pictures!

  5. Versailles Palace and Gardens seems like a magnificent French-style Garden. I find musical fountains relaxing and beautiful. Some awesome pics and videos there! I would definitely visit here whenever I travel to France. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  6. Wow. This is beautiful. I so want to go back to Europe. I went to Italy when I was a teen...

  7. I was in Paris just a few weeks ago and now wish I'd made the journey to Versailles - very jealous!

  8. WOW! Versailles looks like an AMAZING place to visit! So many exquisite and stunning places to go and see there too!

  9. Versailles is beautiful to be sure, but so very crowded! We visited in spring 2016 and enjoyed the beautiful chateau and its furnishings, but we were so glad to escape into the gardens afterwards! Still, it's a gorgeous place and I would love to return when things are a bit less crowded.

  10. Wow! I can't believe you had to wait almost two hours to get in. That's crazy! But the photos show that it was totally worth it huh? Thanks for sharing such helpful tips!

  11. Wow! This is such a beautiful palace! When i was a kid i always dreaming of becoming a princess and living to a palace. How i wish i can see this palace.

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